It’s re-launch time and you get goodies too!

I’ve got some exciting news to share. It’s re-launch time and I’ve got some amazing goodies for you too!

If you are following my Facebook page you would be already aware of the relaunch. But if you aren’t never mind. I’m letting you know now! If at all all you might be wondering why I would bother doing a re-launch, read on.

So why am I doing a re-launch of Kaleidoscopic Lives?

It’s been 6 months since I launched Kaleidoscopic Lives through a self-publishing firm. Many of you would be aware that despite a lot of positive feedback and some great buzz in my friends circle, the book didn’t do well sales-wise, to put it across mildly.

In the past 6 months, I learned so much about the publishing process that I now understand I was lacking in many fronts – and most of these are what a rookie indie author makes.  In a bid to rectify my mistakes, I took a call to republish. Of course, there were many problem areas I had to re-work leading to this re-launch. They were:

1. The Book Cover – Even though the original cover of KL looked quite fine on the physical book, it looked terrible in a thumbnail format because the fonts and pictures were too small for anybody checking the book online.  I had been practicing and working on book cover designing for many months and eventually came up with a new cover that I think does justice to the book.

2. Edited Content – KL had been written with a lot of passion and it had gone through two rounds of editing by an editor from the self-publishing firm I hired (apart from numerous rounds of self-editing). But, despite that it still had errors that were not obvious to a non-native English speaker but were eyesores for a native English speaker. Since  I wanted to target international audiences with the new edition, I accepted the generous help of an author/editor friend from Australia, Diane, to do another round of proof reading and corrections and make it more apt for such readers

3. Blurb – For Kindle books, the second thing a potential reader notices after the book cover is the blurb.  While the original blurb was just about ok, I wrote a new one that captured the essence of the book far better.

4. Using Kindle Direct Publishing – One of the primary reasons, I had a fallout with my publisher was because they repeatedly underreported sales. At one point I went and collected invoices of Kindle copies purchased by friends as evidence when the publisher said that they didn’t sell any Kindle copies.  But I had no guarantee they wouldn’t do it again.  With me opting to publish directly using Kindle Direct Publishing this time, I have direct visibility sales worldwide and I can now also run promotions based on what budget I have – a welcome change!

5.  Getting Reviews – Any Indie author will tell you the pain behind getting any reader to write a one-line review for the book they read. And that makes it all the more important to have as many as possible. I had written an entire blog on this a week ago.  This time around, I distributed a few reviewer copies to readers to get the necessary reviews in place before the paid promotions start next week with the hope that this will eventually tempt a new reader into buying the book.

6. Promotions – One of the biggest impediments to a book’s success is its lack of visibility in the right circles. No matter how good a book is, without people seeing it and hearing about it, the book doesn’t even get a chance to get purchased.  For that to happen, the book needs to be promoted. Needless, to say, that’s where I goofed up completely. Apart from creating a buzz in my personal friends circle and writing the occasional blog, and sending out a few hundred email/Facebook messages to friends and acquaintances (of which a vast majority are not even inclined towards reading) I didn’t do anything else. Truth be told, I didn’t know what else to do. I had purchased a premier package from the self-publishing firm, who were supposed to do the promotions – but they had been hugely disappointing. Their U-turn from very receptive service (prior to release and payment of dues) to complete indifference (after payment of dues) was akin to what you could only experience with political parties; their promotions, likewise, which I never saw any real evidence of, was completely ineffective.

Nevertheless, this time around, I’ve kept apart a bit from my meagre savings to ensure that the book gets a much deserved paid promotions. This is due starting next week! All in all, while I don’t expect miracles from the re-launch, I do hope it turns out to bring some success.

Anyway, n ow that you know why I’m re-publishing, here’s the all new Kaleidoscopic Lives, if you’re yet to see it.


Cover photo of the new Kindle edition

Do you like it? 🙂

Ok all this being said, what’s in it for you?

I want to make sure that my subscribers and readers get something of value as part of the relaunch.  And what better can I give you better than the gift of my words?

Would you be interested in a 75% discount off the listed price of Kaleidoscopic Lives for you and your friends?

Use the coupon TH54U on the Smashwords website to download any Ebook version of Kaleidoscopic Lives at just $1 (that’s the minimum cost that can be set for any priced book).  Hurry, the coupon’s not going to be valid forever.

You can see the book listing here:

From 1th of November, the relaunch date Kaleidoscopic Lives will also be going at a discounted rate of just $0.99 (for a limited period only) on

Ok so have you have read the book already? Brilliant, why don’t you drop me a line and tell me how you found it or post a review here? 🙂

Ok jokes apart, if you are looking for more free books to read, check out the next section.

Featured Books from : Nov 2015

Every month I take an effort to reach out to other promising Indie writers and get some of them featured on my website. Additionally, I also feature a Non-Fiction Author of the month and a Fiction Author of the month.  So in line with that tradition, here are the featured FREE books for this month:

1. The Witch’s Kiss Episodes 1 & 2 by Antara Mann– Check this out if you like Fantasy/Paranormal suspense


2. The Anonymous Source by  A. C. FullerThis is a suspense thriller that’s doing really well. If you like that genre, do give it a try!


3. Blackwater Lake by Maggie James – This is another book that falls in the genre of suspense thrillers.  It is also a novella and that means you could read it in a day!


Each of these books has an average rating greater than 4.5/5 and some fabulous reader reviews; it’s unlikely you will be disappointed in reading them.

Special Offer: 10 Lucky subscribers get my book FREE

Ok, I know I just told you that I’m offering my book at a 75% discount for a limited period, but I’m also offering 10 subscribers of , a unique opportunity to get the Ebook edition of Kaleidoscopic Lives for FREE! These are reviewer copies and so once you are done reading, you”ll need to post a short review/feedback about your reading experience on the Amazon.  It’s a win-win situation for you if you ask me! 🙂

If you’re a subscriber at and interested in a review copy, drop an email to with the subject line “Request for review copy”

PS: I love interacting with readers and hearing about their opinions and ideas and feedback.  Do take a moment to write back to me by dropping a line to and I will make it a point to respond to you!

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