Are you a Project Management Professional (PMP) aspirant? Don’t miss this!

On my birthday, which fell on the 5th of December, I launched my second book – a book that is a complete deviation from my regular fiction writing and is a business book – a guidebook for the PMP Exam!

Anyway, here’s the story behind this.

I completed my Project Management Professional certification in January this year – something that I thought would add a lot of value to my project manager profile. The certification and training cost me many weeks of dedicated effort plus a princely sum of Rs.48, 000 (paid from my pocket by the way – didn’t get any company reimbursements).

Anyway, following my success at the exam, I started getting enquiries from many people who wanted to attempt the exam. Since the exam was fairly challenging, everyone had apprehensions and doubts.

I later realised it would be a good idea to write a small book on how to approach the exam. After all, writing is one of my biggest strengths and given that I already had knowledge on this subject, it made sense to write a book that others could benefit from.

It took me every free minute I had for over two months to write this book and a lot more time to do editing. It cost me still more time and money to get the book professionally proof read and to make two trailer videos to promote the book (you can see one of them below; the second is still getting ready).

I launched the book finally on Amazon directly once it was ready using Kindle direct publishing platform (and without using a third-party publisher) and made the grand announcement on my FB page and profile, two days ago on my birthday. Check out the 90 second animated trailer of the book which is on YouTube.

In case you can’t see the video preview above, You can check this link: Youtube Animated Video – PMP Ace

So what’s in it for you?

Now if you are somebody who ever wants to get into writing, do keep in mind that even if you write as well as Salman Rushdie (and I don’t say I do), you’re in for disappointment when you start out because selling a new author’s book, irrespective of how good it is, is amazingly tough. I had pumped tens of thousands into my first book and got practically nothing in return because I expected too much from friends and family and acquaintances.

So right now I am trying to build an author brand. And therefore, I am giving out a limited number of free copies of my books to people who are genuinely interested in what I write and who will be glad to post their opinion and let others know what they felt about the writing. Customer feedback is everything after all!

Therefore, If you are somebody who wants to prepare for the PMP, and would like to read the book, and be willing to write just a line or two about it after you are done, just enter your details on my website (where you’ll see a widget for the book give-away) ! Do note that this would be available for free only till the 10th of Dec!

And of course, if you feel particularly generous or do not believe in accepting things for free, bless you good lady/gentleman! You are more than welcome to purchase the book on Amazon! It costs just Rs 49 and with that gesture you’ll earn the gratitude of this poor, humble, hardworking writer and you would have done your part in promoting this writer in a small way too! 🙂

Click here for the the Amazon India Link :

Click here for the listing.

One response to “Are you a Project Management Professional (PMP) aspirant? Don’t miss this!

  1. This will be a very helpful book for anyone who is planning on attempting the PMP Examinations. Following a good guide such as this will make the experience much better and help pass with higher score.


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