Daily Archives: May 13, 2016

Don’t have Time : A little thought that could change your perspective forever!


“I don’t have time!”

This is probably one of the most common lines people voice for not doing something they should have.

The earlier line has been unfailingly and unapologetically echoed from time unknown by commoners like us, and has become a phrase we unwittingly include in our conversations every other day.

What would you say when somebody asks you if you dedicate time at a gym?

“No, I really want to but I don’t get time…””

What would you say if your wife (or husband) asked you for some help at home?

“Sorry love, I’d like to help but I just don’t have time now…”

What do you retaliate with if your parents enquired why you didn’t call them this week?

“I was about to, but then I got swamped with work and I just didn’t have time”

If your wife (or husband) asks you to spend time with your son/daughter, what’s your response?

“Sigh! I’d really love to do it honey….. But believe me….. I don’t have time”

Given that everybody gets just 24 hours in a day, why is it that some people, almost miraculously, always seem to have time and others don’t?

Do you feel that you genuinely don’t have time and probably the ones who do have don’t need to struggle with life and work the way you do?

Let’s stop and reflect for a moment… .

It is time for a change of perspective!

I came across one piece of advice recently from one of the numerous writers I follow which completely changed my perspective. Here’s the gist of what that person said:

Every time you come across a situation when you feel you don’t have time, instead of telling yourself you do not have time, tell yourself “it’s not priority” and then see how you feel about.

After all what you spend time on, is what you have been giving priority.

Now let’s look at those same common questions we always face in every-day life substituting the ”I don’t have time” phrase with “It’s not priority”.

Did you spend time at the gym?

“No, I really want to but it’s not priority”

(You may have just realised that you could’ve always made time, but TV soaps/ Facebook surfing were ironically accorded higher priority!)

Do you help your wife (or husband) with work at home?

“No, I’d like to but it’s not priority”

(Oops again! Did that mean checking office mails after office took priority over helping your spouse?)

Did you call your parents this week?

“No, I was planning to, but I was swamped with work. It’s not priority”

(Oh wait! Did I just say that10 minutes of conversation with my parents had lower priority than everything else I do in a week???)

Do you spend time with your son/daughter?

“Sigh! I’d really love to. But it’s not priority”

(Gosh! Did I just say that? – This one does sting. Doesn’t it?)

Go ahead and try telling yourself this every time you feel you don’t have time.

You will start feeling very differently about things once you understand that it is not the lack of time that made you push things aside, but simply a lack of realisation on what really should’ve been priority!

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